スペイン王国のイベリア航空(Iberia Líneas Aéreas de España S.A.-2レター: IB)が2024年10月28日より日本路線(マドリードー成田間)の再就航にあたり、OFC社も当日の同社の保安監査業務のため成田空港で到着・出発初便に立ち会いました。

In connection with the resumption of the Japan route (Madrid-Narita) by Iberia Airlines of the Kingdom of Spain (Iberia Líneas Aéreas de España S.A. – 2-letter code: IB) from October 28, 2024, OFC also attended the first arrival and departure flights at Narita Airport on that day to conduct security audit operations for the airline.
IB flights was suspended for three years due to the COVID-19 pandemic; however, Iberia Airlines has eagerly awaited the revival of the Japan route, which has finally been realized as of October 28, 2024. The long-awaited arrival was welcomed by a water cannon salute.
The aircraft was an Airbus A350-1000, with the first day’s flight fully booked (around 350 passengers), including a group of senior Japanese tourists. The flight departed safely for Madrid.
Our company offers comprehensive support services for foreign airlines even after the launch, in addition to assisting with the procedures required by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism for new airlines entering Japan.
For airlines considering starting scheduled or charter flights to Japan, please feel free to contact OFC for further information.